英语科学启蒙活动作业纸 preschool science worksheets~

今天给大家分享一套适合3-10岁英语科学启蒙活动作业纸~preschool science worksheets,全套共6份,420页高清PDF。



1- All About Insects- Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)

2 – All About Butterflies – Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)

3 – All About Shells- Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)

4 – All About Ponds & Frogs Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)

5 – Nocturnal Animals – Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)

6 – My Pet Fish – Science for Little Learners (preschool, pre-k, & kinder)


When a student makes a discovery, call the class over and let the student share and show their discovery with the group. It only takes 3ish minutes but it is POWERFUL. Students learn so much from each other.

If a student doesn’t want to share, allow him or her to point to the various parts of the investigation as you share it for them with the class. As students feel safe and build confidence within the group setting, the more likely they will be to share their investigations with the class.

This could be during center time or if you break up into trios/pairs for science investigations.              

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HiKid » 英语科学启蒙活动作业纸 preschool science worksheets~


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